They wanted to turn their Telecom department into a profit center.
Over the years our eBilling solution has had more than its share of happy customers. A TOP-TEN GLOBAL ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURERS needed the ability to allocate invoice information with different rates from the carrier, based upon the international dialed number. They wanted to turn their Telecom department into a profit center by increasing the rate of a call when it was billed back to the individual departments. They specifically wanted to be able to increase the calls by a specified percentage to certain international countries which would vary depending on the country called. Issues: Allocating invoice detail with different costs was very labor intensive. Excel did not provide sufficient reporting to accomplish this task. The Goal: To see increased revenue based upon the dialed location. THE RESULT: OUR eBILLING SOLUTIONRecosting: by using the recosting feature, an electronics manufacturer was able to create multiple rate entries for each international location with different percentage mark-ups. These rate entries were then applied to regional in packages allowing different offices to call different international locations with unique rate plans.
Smart Solutions for Small Businesses: Call Accounting System
When looking for ways to cut costs, smart business owners utilize effective systems that can simplify costly or time consuming tasks. This is a business strategy not limited to large corporations, because small businesses especially need ways to simplify daily processes and reduce wasteful spending. One example of a smart solution for small businesses is a call accounting system. About Call Accounting SystemsYou may have heard of a call accounting system, which is also commonly referred to as telecommunications software, or a call management program (and other variations of these phrases). Internationally, it may be known as a call logging system. Regardless of where you are, call accounting systems offer similar benefits and features, each working together to simplify telecommunications within businesses of any size, resulting in improved workflow and reduced wasteful spending. Call accounting systems are a computer based program that detects incoming and outgoing phone calls, call ring outs, call routings, abandoned calls, and all other activities involving phone usage. The Benefits of Call Accounting Systems for Small BusinessesTechnically, call accounting systems are beneficial to any size business. But with the economic recession, small businesses especially are looking for ways to cut costs (and improve profit) just to stay afloat. Call accounting systems help reduce wasteful spending by recording and analyzing extended long distance phone calls or personal phone usage, as well as abandoned calls and other costly problems, and then displaying this information in an easy to understand overview. In other words, you can see any problems right away and quickly nip them in the bud. Maybe it takes a little longer to develop new telecommunication strategies and policies that are more cost effective, but utilizing a call accounting system is the easiest way to track and monitor telecommunications, and the quickest way to identify any problems. Compare the 5 seconds it can take to find important information against the 5 hours it can take digging through old records, and you’ve got another way that a call accounting system saves money. With accurate documentation of phone records, you can easily retrieve information needed to resolve a customer dispute or to confront an employee about violating phone usage privileges. The bottom line is simple, call accounting systems are the one and only way to stay in control of telecommunications in your business, and it’s worth the investment for the money you save in the long run! Even More Benefits to a Call Accounting SystemBefore you get too excited and start shopping, there are even more benefits for businesses (of any size) that you should know to better appreciate the need for a call accounting system. • A smarter and easier way to track your telecommunications spending. In case this wasn’t clarified previously, call accounting systems provide all vital information in an easy to understand overview so you can see exactly where your money is going and how effective that investment has been. • Welcome to the 21st century! If your business hasn’t been using a call accounting system before today, you will just love how easy the software can be to introduce into (and improve) the current system. • Identify and correct any flaws in your telecommunications. Not that your current system is flawed, but there’s always room to improve and a call accounting system can help.
Track Wasteful Telecommunications Spending with a Call Management System
Regardless of your business size, the current economic situation has presented a big reminder to business owners (as well as consumers) that excessive or wasteful spending is a bad thing. As a result, business owners are tightening up purse strings and cutting costs in some of the worst areas to stop spending, such as marketing or advertising. However, there is an easier way to reduce wasteful spending by reducing costs spent on areas that don’t work to increase profit. The easiest way to do this is to analyze and evaluate the money and time spent on all areas of your business. Many areas shouldn’t be eliminated, such as advertising or marketing… and that also includes telecommunications. Although it should not be eliminated, telecommunication costs should be strictly evaluated because they can be one of the problem areas for a business. Whether phone usage is a large part of how you do business, or just a small fraction of daily processes… the extra money wasted on telecommunications can be spend more wisely. How do you know if you are spending too much on telecommunications? If you asked that question, then you aren’t using a call management system… which just might become the answer to all of your problems (or, at least the telecommunication related problems). What is a Call Management System?Simply put, a call management system is a computer based program (software or hardware) that tracks and monitors all things related to phone usage. From lengthy or excessive long distance or personal calls to abandoned calls and ring time, call management systems work to analyze important information and display the information you need in a quick and easy format. See, it really is that simple. Instead of wasting 5 hours digging through old phone records, you can spend 5 seconds to quickly settle a customer dispute. With a call management system, you can print an accurate record to confront an employee about violating personal phone usage policies. However, there is so much more to it than just that! With an easy to use interface that can be introduced to your current telecommunication methods with minimal effort, a call management system will also work to improve your current telecommunications strategy. It can’t get any easier to track exactly where your money is going into telecommunications, and how effective the investment has been for returning profit. There isn’t a cookie cutter approach or one size fits all description to give about a call management system. Hotel owners can use this software to print up phone records when billing a customer, while off-hours call centers can use a call management system to track calls (which are about 95% of business.) Although, even a pizza shop or hair salon can simplify daily processes and reduce wasteful spending just by incorporating a call management system. When calls go unanswered, this is often a potential client lost to a competitor. When calls are abandoned, this is seen as poor customer service. Or if outgoing calls are longer than they should be, this too can be costly. Your business can ignore the recession and thrive in the current economy. Maybe a call management system won’t be the answer to all of your prayers, but it is certainly a start to develop a cost effective strategy and head in a more profitable direction.
Think about this: 70% of school administrators have been threatened by a parent.
Teacher victimization by aggressive parents is the reason that 40% to 50% of new teachers leave the profession within five years. What happens when the safety of your teachers becomes a he said/she said situation? Although there has been an enormous amount of attention, funding and research regarding school safety since the late 1990s, there has been very little given to the issue of problem parents in the school setting. School personnel interact with parents on a daily basis and fortunately, most of these interactions are pleasant. However, instances of parental aggression do occur and are, in fact, on the rise. Teachers are constantly concerned about an increasing number of problem parents who question grades and often harass teachers regarding the treatment their child is receiving at school. There are those that have experienced situations in which parents cornered a teacher, sent harassing emails and threatened their jobs or bodily injury, but the most prevalent behavior is verbal victimization. And while parents have the right to question teachers in regards to their child, they never have the right to make threats or become aggressive. In this day and age it is rare that a teacher does not have a direct line or two in their classroom, making it easy for parents to reach them. Because most parents work, it is easier for them to communicate by phone. A simple phone call questioning a teacher’s professional judgment can quickly turn into verbal abuse and threats being made towards the teacher. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, it is becomes the teacher’s word against the parent’s. Threats can happen at anytime and to any school; therefore, the time to prepare the administrators, teachers, students, and parents of your school system for threats is now. Not only must telephones be available in every classroom, but other areas frequented by teachers and students, for emergency use as well. The ability to validate a threat or harassment is invaluable that is why schools must turn to a comprehensive campus-wide IP phone system to provide for teacher and student safety. Make the smart choice and integrate SmartRecord IP into your safety preparedness practices this year. SmartRecord IP is available in VoIP Call Recording, Hosted Call Recording, IP Call Recording and in almost any type of Call Recording System you could want.
Threats of violence can be delivered via a variety of mediums but the telephone remains the most common means of delivery.
Threats of violence can be delivered via a variety of mediums but the telephone remains the Based on our review of the published law enforcement guidelines to schools for handling a threatening phone call, our determination is that our call recording software obviates 5 of the 7 guidelines. 1.Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible and do not hang up. 2.Write down the caller ID number and the exact time of the call. SmartRecord eliminates the need to do this. 3.If a student is answering the phones, have an adult take the call. 4.Signal someone to alert the building administrator or security. SmartRecord allows for one button alerting configurable to your crisis protocols. 5.Write down everything the caller said. SmartRecord eliminates the need to do this. 6.Make an educated guess as to the caller’s sex, age, race, and accent. SmartRecord allows for playback of the call which enables experts in this type of analysis to evaluate and make this determination. 7.Identify any background noises. SmartRecord allows for playback of the call which enables experts in this type of analysis to evaluate and make this determination. The benefits go far beyond the tangible items above however. In moments of panic, trying to remember details of the call or caller are easier said than done. Schools invest time and money in training teachers and staff on the best methods to execute the actions above while under duress of a live threat situation. This requirement is now eliminated. Most importantly, we believe that call. The following are some specifics about CTI Group’s SmartRecord call recording solution that resonate with our users world wide: •Not only records the call information such as number, time, and location, but it also records the actual content of the call. •Call recordings can be immediately emailed to the police, security staff, and administrators to start their investigation in hopes of catching the perpetrator. No special playback software is required. •Alerts can be set so that when 911 is called from your school, teachers are notified immediately and can take appropriate steps in securing their classrooms. •The same alerting system can be configured to trigger the downstream activities highlighted as part of your crisis plan.
How can safety be a priority in your school when call recording is not a part of your preparedness plan?
It is difficult to open the newspaper or turn on the news these days without hearing of a story about school violence or the mention of a poignant anniversary of school violence. What does it say about our society when the first thing a child is greeted by each school day is a security guard and a metal detector? As a parent you should feel comfortable leaving your child at school. As a student, you should feel comfortable being at school. What has gone so wrong? Up until recently school violence was generally perpetrated by the students. No one ever considered parents as a safety issue for teachers and administrators. But bullying by parents towards teachers has become an all too familiar trend and administrators are being forced to find additional methods to safeguard their schools.your school when call recording system is not a part of your preparedness plan? Or take for instance a mother and a father of a student embattled in a vicious divorce and custody battle. Who would ever think such a thing could create an unsafe situation for a teacher or school administrator? What happens when one parent calls saying one thing and the other calls contradicting the previous statement? Who do you believe, how do you resolve the issue and protect the student, teacher, and school? In many instances, managing verbal outbursts and even attacks comes down to the teacher since they are normally the target. While maintaining a certain level of professionalism, the teacher must listen and empathize as well as he or she can with the parent’s issues. Very often, those same skills a teacher brings to the job are more than enough to reduce the tension. But what happens when they aren’t? What happens when the parent begins making threats and it comes down to a he said she said type argument? What if you had all of the conversations recorded? What if you were able to go back and search a database of recordings and listen to what each parent said or listen to the threats a parent made against a teacher? The issue of school safety, whether a bomb threat, bullying parent, or divorcing parents is what makes CTI Group’s SmartRecord product an ideal partner in fighting these crimes. SmartRecord allows all incoming and outgoing calls to be recorded and saved. It has a user friendly interface that enables users of the application to search and find specific recordings. Schools can even email recordings to the parents or legal and law enforcement personnel, providing firm proof of what occurred. Why wouldn’t you want something so simple and affordable as SmartRecord as part of your school system’s arsenal towards ensuring the safety of the students, teachers, and administrators of your schools?
The Benefits of Telemanagement
Are you looking for a way to reduce wasteful spending while at the same time simplify telecommunication operations within your business? That’s exactly what telemanagement systems are used for… and this is a service highly recommended for businesses of any size. What, Exactly, Is Telemanagement?Telemanagement is a computer based system that tracks and monitors phone usage throughout your company, (whether it is a small business or a large corporation) analyzes all information, and even allows you to bill back phone usage. Also known as call accounting software, telemanagement systems are being implemented in a number of businesses as a way to reduce costs and simplify specific operations. How Can I Save Money With Telemanagement?The first way that telemanagement saves you money is by minimizing the time wasted searching for specific information relating to your telecommunications. The information you need will be analyzed and recorded in an easy to use, easy to find interface. Whether you currently spend five minutes searching for a specific phone record, or 50 minutes analyzing ring time statistics—telemanagement makes this information available immediately, so your time can be better spent on other tasks that matter. But that's not a good enough answer, is it? When somebody says “you can save a ton of money by implementing this service” your first response may be “yeah, right.” Of course telemanagement will be a business expense…and you may not trust that this is an expense worth investing in. Unfortunately, there is no free call accounting software worth exploring, but the investment itself does pay for itself with the time saved on analyzing telecommunications within your business. However, that’s not the only way that telemanagement saves money… Apart from minimizing the time you spend analyzing telecommunications, call accounting software also works to reduce wasteful spending. With an instant overview of extensive long distance calls, personal phone usage, and abandoned calls… you can quickly “nip these in the bud” and watch your savings grow immediately. With precise, printable documentation of phone records…telemanagement systems can help you monitor where your telecommunication expenses are going, and cut back on any related excessive spending. Besides Saving Money, What Are the Other Benefits of Telemanagement?Cutting back costs is the biggest benefit to call accounting software, but there are other reasons to try a telemanagement system as well: • Telemanagement is a better, and easier way to track spending! – It doesn’t take an economic recession to know that operating a successful business, regardless of business size or nature, involves very close monitoring of what you spend…down to the penny. A telemanagement system is the most effective way to track telecommunication related expenses…allowing you to develop new strategies for a more profitable business. • Simplifying important processes and operations couldn’t be any easier!—Telemanagement is a user-friendly computer based program. Welcome to the 21st century! • Telemanagement helps you identify and correct “flaws” in your telecommunication strategy! - Call accounting software provides a visual understanding of wasteful spending, dropped calls, and other relevant issues. Not that your strategy is flawed to begin with…but there’s always a way to improve! Learn more about telemanagement, and put it to the test today!
“Go Green” Business Strategy: eBilling
These days, more and more business owners are implementing more environmentally conscious strategies into the way they do business. Naturally, there are many reasons to go green and many consumers are more likely to choose a vendor based on their choice to go green. The easiest way for a business of any size to go green is to stop wasting tons of paper and start using eBilling services. After all, it is the 21st century! Not only will this green business strategy look good for your company and build customer loyalty, but you will also save money by reducing the cost of paper, postal expenses, and other wasteful business expenses. Yes, eBilling Saves Your Business Money!Someday, children will learn in history class about the days when businesses would need to spend money on costly invoicing systems…like sending an invoice via fax or “snail mail.” Then, business owners needed to contact clients and confirm receipt of an invoice, and that could be rather costly as well. Luckily, gas was under $2 back then. The method of requesting, and receiving, payment for services/products was improved with the technology brought on in the late 20th century. Smart business owners began to utilize eBilling…a fix-it-all solution to the time and money wasted with outdated invoicing services. The world was a much happier place. In all seriousness, eBilling does save your business money and if you’re not using it yet—what are you doing to beat both the recession and consumer mistrust? Simplify Business Processes with eBillingTruly a wonderful, magical service—eBilling makes it easier than ever to monitor specific information as well as general information about your income and expenses. Who pays what on time, and who is always a little behind on their payments? More importantly—eBilling is a hassle free solution for organizing. All information is already stored for you, so if there is a billing dispute you can quickly access any relevant files without digging through stacks of paperwork. eBilling Speeds Along Important Financial TransactionsWhile nobody waits anxiously for a bill to arrive in the mail, it’s another story when waiting for payment to arrive. eBilling speeds along the payment process by allowing your customers to pay quickly online. It’s less hassle for you, and less stress for your clients.In the long run, eBilling also improves overall customer satisfaction with your business! Should You Enforce eBilling as the Only Invoicing Method You Use?Depending on the nature of your business, it might be appropriate to take a bold new step into a new direction and “do away” with the old. eBilling allows you to simplify, speed up, and improve invoicing and payment methods…so why not make the switch all the way? However, certain companies should introduce eBillng and offer incentives for clients to sign up for this service. In some cases, you might have a client who is unable to pay their bill online or receive an invoice. At the same time, you’ll be surprised at the percentage of your customers who will gladly accept the organized and effective solution once you offer eBilling. Learn more about what eBilling can do for your business, and start benefiting today!
Webinar: Accelerating & Augmenting VoIP Sales
We recently participated in a webinar designed for carriers... Play NowAbout the presentation, "Accelerating & Augmenting VoIP Sales" Successful carriers are delivering VoIP solutions that include new and profitable applications and enable the sales channel with powerful tools to generate new and enhanced revenue streams from a subset of vertical markets. If you are a carrier who wants to be successful, you and your channels should be asking: • What verticals are gaining and losing and what packaging strategies work? • What are the most critical sales tools to help my channel close more business? • How does layering applications add value and increase average revenue per user (ARPU)? Meet the team of panelists: Jeanne Sauer, Principal, Marketing MattersLed by industry expert and Sylantro alumni Jeanne Sauer, this webinar will address these questions and discuss how proven tools can be used to expedite the sales process. Sid Rao, Chief Technology Officer, CTI Group, IncAlso, spend time with CTI Group’s Chief Technology Officer, Sid Rao on discovering the flexibility and scalability of centrally managed call recording system and call reporting applications in a distributed workforce environment. The seminars will be moderated by Lisa Hoesel, Director of Customer Conversation and Social Media DJ for References-Online.
Finding a Bill Analysis and eBilling Solutions Company
If you’re thinking of implementing eBilling software and bill analysis into your business, you probably already know there are more than a few choices out there. Is all eBilling software the same? Are all the companies who provide bill analysis solutions the same too? The answer to both questions is a resounding “no.” The company you choose to handle your transition into eBilling absolutely plays a crucial role in your future success.For this reason, you should follow these tips when choosing an eBilling software company. • Analyze their experience—You want to be certain the company you choose to handle your eBilling system has a wealth of experience in the field. The more experienced they are, the likelier it is they can create a solution that meets your needs. The best eBilling and bill analysis companies have years of experience providing telecom billing analysis solutions. They also have experience installing thousands of these systems for businesses throughout the world. • Read up on their reputation—Before you settle on an eBilling services provider, you need to see what their current and former clients have to say about them. By gleaning from the unique insight of their customers, you’ll be able to cut through the marketing hype to truly determine if the company’s products and services are right for your needs. Of course, you need to remember not to put too much stock in a single customer review (whether positive or negative). Instead, consider common themes throughout many reviews to get a full picture of the company’s performance. • Check out their customer service—When you’re implementing a new computer-based system for eBilling, you’re probably going to have a few questions. That’s perfectly normal with any new technical system. When you have these questions, you want to make sure you have access to quality customer service and expert help. That’s why you should check out the eBilling software and bill analysis services provider’s customer service long before you decide to do business with them. If their customer service doesn’t seem helpful, it’s probably best not to purchase their products and services. • Don’t ignore price—While you don’t want to shop for eBilling software and bill analysis services on price alone, the simple truth is everyone has a budget to consider. Remember, the ultimate goal of these solutions is to save you money and give you a return on your investment. So, spend time comparing prices among service providers to make sure you’re getting good bang for your buck. There are many benefits to acquiring a bill analysis product for your business. Everything is automated, saving you time and making sure no invoicing mistakes occur. It also saves you money as you no longer have to print and mail invoices. Furthermore, it’s completely secure as billing data is stored on a remote, off-location secured server.By following these tips when choosing an eBilling software company, you can be sure to maximize these benefits for your business!
Hosted Call Recording
SmartRecord is a white label hosted call recording solution. Using the patented technology, SmartRecord eliminates the need for on-site equipment or packet-sniffing technologies. SmartRecord Online is our pay-per-use service designed to help both end user and service provider customers slowly acclimatise to the benefits of call recording without the burden of a high initial capital investment. CTI Group can easily provision our call recording service for either a traditional phone system or softswitch. We work with your existing phone equipment and phone service provider. The call recording service is configured via SIP or TDM, but rest assured, the steps to adding our call recording service is uncomplicated and straightforward. Ideal for…Testing the waters. In recent years, call recording has become a mainstay in corporate America. But for many service providers, the initial investment deters them from adding this feature. With CTI Group’s new SmartRecord Online, service providers can build their call recording software base on our hosted platform and then move to their own platform once their client base supports the investment.
The Benefits of eBilling Software
In this digital age, new technologies are always being developed to save time and money. For many businesses, one of the most useful technologies is that of eBilling software. Like its name implies, eBilling software allows companies to invoice their customers digitally, eliminating the old, time-consuming method of faxing or snail mailing an invoice. If you’re thinking of implementing eBilling software into your business process, consider these benefits that you’ll enjoy. 1. Saves money on sending invoices—In the past, sending an invoice to a customer meant mailing or faxing it to them. Then, you’d have to spend time following up on the invoice to make sure they received it and to determine when they’ll send over the payment. With eBilling software, you’ll save time and money as everything is handled digitally. Bill production (paper and printing) and distribution (postage) costs will be a fraction of what they once were. Most companies break even with their eBilling software in a year or less, and after that, you start seeing a true return on your investment. 2. Expedites payment—Not only is the traditional way of distributing bills costly, but it also takes up too much time. By the time you print up, send the invoice, and wait for payment to return, a couple of weeks could easily pass by. eBilling allows you to instantly invoice your customers no matter where they’re located. Customers can quickly pay their bill online, making the entire process fast and easy. As a business owner, you can certainly appreciate the reduced hassle and stress of getting paid quickly and on time. 3. Improves customer relationship management—One of the keys to keep customers coming back time and time again is to have a sound customer relationship management strategy in place. This allows you to stay in regular contact with your customers, to avoid having anyone slip through the cracks, and to improve your overall customer service. eBilling software allows you to easily manage all of your customers and their accounts on your computer. This eliminates billing errors and ensures a solid relationship is maintained. 4. Keeps billing records organized—Before eBilling was created, records of past invoices were typically stored away in a filing cabinet somewhere. If any discrepancies popped up, you had to go digging through the old paper records to sort out the billing dispute. With new digital billing software, all the records of your transactions are easily accessible from your computer. Paid and owed invoices for each customer can be examined quickly and easily, making it faster than ever before to sort out any discrepancies or disputes. 5. It’s environmentally friendly—Using eBilling software isn’t just good for your business; it’s also good for the environment. No longer will you have to use tons of paper every single year just for printing and sending invoices. It’s a simple way to reduce your environmental impact while making a change that also improves the overall efficiency of your business. Increase your productivity and save money by using eBilling software today!
emPulse – Automated Call Distribution (ACD) Reporting
CTI Group goes all-out to provide superior scalable applications for every communication manager's needs. emPulse provides modes of reporting and monitoring that benefit contact centers and businesses with heavy phone traffic to improve their efficiency. emPulse ACD Reporting is a carrier-class, multi-tenant application that allows the service provider to offer call accounting to their customers as a hosted service. Contact centers need to know when agents are available, their queue times and lengths: service level visibility is critical to quality helpdesk service. emPulse provides this visibility. Management needs reports for hold times, accepted calls, and abandoned calls, to efficiently staff the call center. emPulse reports provide the needed information, filtered and tailored to the customers’ needs. Whether located in a centralized location or globally distributed, ACD reporting provides a comprehensive view of agent activity and presence. emPulse is a competitively priced, easy-to-use, web-based communications management solution that is accessed remotely, making it the most convenient solution on the market. emPulse is equipped with comprehensive reports to deliver the most-often requested telecom usage information to small and medium-sized businesses. ROI can occur immediately, but most often a true return is realized in 3-4 months. This quick ROI is achieved by identifying and eliminating external fraud, unnecessary telecom expenditures, employee time abuse, employee telephone misuse and lost business opportunities. Bottom line: emPulse allows your business to manage communication costs more effectively.
Understanding Telemanagement Systems and Their Benefits
Whether you run a small business or a multinational organization, keeping costs low and reducing wasteful spending is always a priority. To better track telephone usage and to identify opportunities for reducing costs, many businesses are implementing telemanagement systems and call accounting software. The result is an investment that often more than pays for itself with the savings and increased productivity it creates. So, just what are telemanagement systems? Telemanagement systems are computer-based programs that allow you to track, monitor, analyze, and bill back all phone usage in your business. This allows you to closely monitor where your money for telecommunications is going. Many times, businesses find there is wasteful spending on excessive long distance usage, personal calls from employees, and wasted time on abandoned calls. You can also track ring time, which phones are being used, and other important telephone traffic stats. Here’s an easy-to-understand example of how a telemanagement system can be used: Suppose you manage a hotel. A telemanagment system can be used to track which guests are using the telephone, how long they’re using it for, and the numbers they’re calling. This allows you to accurately bill your customers for their telephone usage so that your company isn’t eating those costs. Because it’s all computer-based, you’ll have precise, printable reports that serve as records to document this phone usage. Of course, you might not manage a hotel. That’s okay. You can still use telemanagement systems in your business and enjoy a wide range of benefits. What kind of benefits? Here are just a few. - Track your spending better—Tracking every dollar your business spends is more important now than ever before due to the mercurial nature of the economy. Telemanagement systems allow you to see exactly where your money is going as it relates to telecommunications costs. This enables you to identify costly phone usage trends as well as implement new strategies for reducing overall telecommunications costs.
- Identify and correct wasteful spending—Because call accounting software allows you to see exactly who’s making the calls and how long they’re talking, you can pinpoint where the wasteful spending is coming from. This allows you to eliminate in-house problems so you don’t waste a single dollar of revenue. And going forward, having such a system in place will prevent more misusage from occurring.
- Simplify your operations—These user-friendly telemanagement systems make tracking telephone usage simpler than ever before. No more annoying paperwork to sift through. No more guesswork. Everything is laid out and organized as neatly as possible for you. This saves you time and money.
The bottom line is this: you can’t afford to waste money on telephone misusage or due to a lack of proper bill back information. Telemanagement systems help eliminate misuse and wasteful spending as well as more accurately track how your company is using its phones. The result is a more efficient and productive business that wastes less money. Learn more about what telemanagement systems can do for your business today!
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