CTI Group
CTI Group Software Applications

Friday, October 23, 2009

How can safety be a priority in your school when call recording is not a part of your preparedness plan?

It is difficult to open the newspaper or turn on the news these days without hearing of a story about school violence or the mention of a poignant anniversary of school violence. What does it say about our society when the first thing a child is greeted by each school day is a security guard and a metal detector? As a parent you should feel comfortable leaving your child at school. As a student, you should feel comfortable being at school. What has gone so wrong?

Up until recently school violence was generally perpetrated by the students. No one ever considered parents as a safety issue for teachers and administrators. But bullying by parents towards teachers has become an all too familiar trend and administrators are being forced to find additional methods to safeguard their schools.your school when call recording system is not a part of your preparedness plan?

Or take for instance a mother and a father of a student embattled in a vicious divorce and custody battle. Who would ever think such a thing could create an unsafe situation for a teacher or school administrator? What happens when one parent calls saying one thing and the other calls contradicting the previous statement? Who do you believe, how do you resolve the issue and protect the student, teacher, and school?

In many instances, managing verbal outbursts and even attacks comes down to the teacher since they are normally the target. While maintaining a certain level of professionalism, the teacher must listen and empathize as well as he or she can with the parent’s issues. Very often, those same skills a teacher brings to the job are more than enough to reduce the tension. But what happens when they aren’t? What happens when the parent begins making threats and it comes down to a he said she said type argument?

What if you had all of the conversations recorded? What if you were able to go back and search a database of recordings and listen to what each parent said or listen to the threats a parent made against a teacher? The issue of school safety, whether a bomb threat, bullying parent, or divorcing parents is what makes CTI Group’s SmartRecord product an ideal partner in fighting these crimes.

SmartRecord allows all incoming and outgoing calls to be recorded and saved. It has a user friendly interface that enables users of the application to search and find specific recordings. Schools can even email recordings to the parents or legal and law enforcement personnel, providing firm proof of what occurred.

Why wouldn’t you want something so simple and affordable as SmartRecord as part of your school system’s arsenal towards ensuring the safety of the students, teachers, and administrators of your schools?
Billing & OSS World 2009 ebilling CTI Group Customer Spotlight - Call Recording Call Recording at Metaswitch 2009