CTI Group
CTI Group Software Applications

Friday, December 26, 2008

CTI Group’s Dynamic Reports offers Emailed Bill Presentment

If you are considering acquiring an EBPP system, ask yourself one question. Do you need both bill presentment and payment or would presentment suit your needs sufficiently?

CTI Group offers electronic bill presentment via Dynamic Reports, a ‘push’ analysis product that is delivered via e-mail, in HTML format. The reports offered by Dynamic Reports contain a range of summary analysis reports, user definable watchpoints and observations along with the facility to include an electronic version of the bill. All reports available through CTI Group’s e-billing can be accessed via a user-friendly menu. A number of reports are also accessible via the hyperlinks within the ‘observations & actions’ segment on the dashboard.

Areas within Dynamic Reports can be reserved for the inclusion of a Telco marketing banner/message with the facility for the recipient to request further information directly from the Telco. These marketing messages allow customers to click through directly from the DR to specific areas within the Telco’s web site for upsell/cross sell opportunities

CTI Group’s electronic bill presentment product, Dynamic Reports, is suitable for mobile, fixed & multi-service (mobile, fixed, ISP, cable/satellite TV, VoIP) Telco’s and for single or multiple CLI accounts.

For more information about CTI Group’s EBPP solutions or about Dynamic Reports specifically, please contact us at moreinfo@ctigroup.com or http://www.ctigroup.com/.

Friday, December 19, 2008

CTI Group offers Trend Analysis as Key Component of EBPP Software Package

Trend comparison is key in planning ahead and successfully controlling effective use of resources. To make the maximum use of bill-derived management information, businesses need to easily analyze and understand ongoing trends. Analysis 5 EBPP delivers this more effectively than any other solution. Analysis 5 is the component of CTI Group’s electronic bill presentment and payment system that deals with bill analysis and reporting.

Graphical reports enable your customers to identify trends over a number of bills. A highly accessible Trends Dashboard displays ‘Observation Trends’ and ‘User Defined Trends’ based on the bills available. With popular trend reports available as standard, plus functionality to define their own, users can develop a clear idea of normal usage patterns, then spot opportunities or anomalies like sudden surges in certain types of calls.

As indicated in the name, Analysis 5 provides feature rich electronic bill presentment analysis with functionality that empowers Telco customers from large SMEs through to Multi-National businesses to produce the reports they need to conduct business, increasing customer satisfaction.

For more information about CTI Group’s electronic bill presentment and payment solutions or about Analysis 5 specifically, please contact us at moreinfo@ctigroup.com or http://www.ctigroup.com/.
Billing & OSS World 2009 ebilling CTI Group Customer Spotlight - Call Recording Call Recording at Metaswitch 2009